Cooking- and juiciness-related quality characteristics of goat and sheep meat
Measurement of water-holding capacity and juiciness
Measurement of water-holding capacity and juiciness.
Tenderness of Beef. : II. Juiciness and the Softness Components of Tenderness
Cooking loss and juiciness of pork in relation to raw meat quality and cooking procedure
The effects of marbling on flavour and juiciness scores of cooked beef, after adjusting to a constant tenderness
Sensory evaluation of beef-flavor-intensity, tenderness, and juiciness among major muscles.
Injection of water and polyphosphate into pork to improve juiciness and tenderness after cooking.
Comparison of different methods for measuring water holding capacity and juiciness of pork versus on-line screening methods.
Comparison of different methods for measuring water holding capacity and juiciness of pork versus on-line screening methods 1 Commun...