Male Cooper's Hawk Breeds in Juvenal PlumageThe Englishing of Juvenal: Computational Stylistics and Translated TextsSatires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to JuvenalUSE OF JUVENAL PLUMAGE IN DIAGNOSING SPECIES LIMITS: AN EXAMPLE USING BUNTINGS IN THE GENUS PLECTROPHENAXJUVENAL PLUMAGE IN THE GREEN-BREASTED MOUNTAIN-GEM (LAMPORNIS SYBILLAE) WITH OBSERVATIONS ON TIMING OF BREEDING AND MOLTPorphyrins and pheomelanins contribute to the reddish juvenal plumage of black-shouldered kitesClinal Variation in the Juvenal Plumage of American Kestrels (Variación Clinal en el Plumaje de los Juveniles de Falco sparverius)Increase of juvenal mantle-derived composition from syn-orogenic to post-orogenic granites of the east part of the erstern Tianshan(...4. PRAISE AND DOUBLESPEAK: TACITUS‘ DIALOGUS AND JUVENAL'S SEVENTH SATIRE : Actors in the Audience Theatricality and Doublespeak fr...Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?: a new paradigm for analyzing security paradigms with appreciation to the Roman poet Juvenal