Parallel Association of Fos and Jun Leucine Zippers Juxtaposes DNA Binding Domains
A novel c-myc-activating reciprocal T(12;15) chromosomal translocation juxtaposes S alpha to Pvt-1 in a mouse plasmacytoma.
The cell-type-specific activator region of c-Jun juxtaposes constitutive and negatively regulated domains.
The t(10;14)(q24;q11) of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia juxtaposes the delta T-cell receptor with TCL3, a conserved and activat...
STIM1 juxtaposes ER to phagosomes, generating Ca²⁺ hotspots that boost phagocytosis.
Two new recombinant H-2 haplotypes, one of which juxtaposes Kb and Ik alleles.
An RNA secondary structure juxtaposes two remote genetic signals for human T-cell leukemia virus type I RNA 3'-end processing.
Aberrant class switching juxtaposes c-myc with a middle repetitive element (LINE) and an IgH intron in two spontaneously arising rat...
Tertiary structural evolution of the Gangdese Thrust System, southeastern Tibet
Wǒ pǎo de kuài and Chinese Phrase Structure