Pragmatics and iconicity : Syntactic Iconicity and Linguistic Freezes The Human DimensionAPPARATUS FOR MOUNTING ON A LAND VEHICLE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKERSLanguage in focus :Techniques to scramble wireless communicationsIAM chromatography: an in vitro screen for predicting drug membrane permeability.Electron-Transfer Communication in Glutathione Reductase Assemblies: Electrocatalytic, Photocatalytic, and Catalytic Systems for the...GONG Observations of Solar Surface FlowsBoron isotope application for tracing sources of contamination in groundwaterMicroarray analysis of the cellular pathways involved in the adaptation to and progression of motor neuron injury in the SOD1 G93A m...Differential effect of right- and left-hemisphere damage on understanding sarcasm and metaphor.