Epidemic kepone poisoning in chemical workers.Mirex in the environment: its degradation to kepone and related compounds.Comparative toxicology of chlordecone (Kepone) in humans and experimental animalsTreatment of chlordecone (Kepone) toxicity with cholestyramine. Results of a controlled clinical trialAvoidance Costs Associated with Imperfect Information: The Case of KeponeCholestyramine: use as a new therapeutic approach for chlordecone (kepone) poisoningKepone, mirex, dieldrin, and aldrin: estrogenic activity and the induction of persistent vaginal estrus and anovulation in rats foll...Estrogenic Activity of the Insecticide Chlordecone (Kepone) and Interaction with Uterine Estrogen ReceptorsInhibition of mitochondrial Mg2+ ATPase activity in isolated perfused rat liver by keponePotentiation of the hepatotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride following preexposure to chlordecone (Kepone) in the male rat ☆ ☆☆