Influence of valley winds on transport and dispersion of airborne pollutants in the Freiburg‐Schauinsland areaBoundedness of Turbulent Temperature Probability Distributions, and their Relation to the Vertical Profile in the Convective Boundar...JOYCE: Jülich Observatory for Cloud EvolutionCreativity and conflict resolution. Alternative pathways to peaceAnalyzing Cultural Markers to Characterize Regional Identity for Rural PlanningInternal combustion engine including an exhaust gas recirculation system and/or a water-cooled charge air coolerFluidkreislauf einer BrennkraftmaschineCombined lidar remote sensing of ozone in the planetary boundary layer and SF6 tracer dispersion experiments during "Schauinsland '95"Doppelringbildung in einer tuberkulösen Kaverne durch Einschmelzen und Abstoßung der KavernenwandUsing measurements on a meteorological tower to understanding local carbon dioxide cycling