EVALUASI HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI KUE BAKPIADI PERUSAHAAN SARI MULIA JAMBIANALISA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENJUALAN BERBASIS WEB PADA TOKO KUE TAFI CAKES & COOKIESRecurrent Fusion of TMPRSS2 and ETS Transcription Factor Genes in Prostate CancerDetermination of the helix and β form of proteins in aqueous solution by circular dichroismPractical Methodologies for the Synthesis of IndolesCoronary computed tomography angiography with a consistent dose below 1 mSv using prospectively electrocardiogram-triggered high-pit...Noninvasive detection and evaluation of atherosclerotic coronary plaques with multislice computed tomography.Differences between sub-populations of cultured bovine articular chondrocytes. I. Morphology and cartilage matrix productionSynthesis and turnover of proteoglycans by human and bovine adult articular chondrocytes cultured in alginate beadsPhenotypic stability of bovine articular chondrocytes after long-term culture in alginate beads.