KulturkampfKulturkampfKulturkampfKunst im KulturkampfThe Kulturkampf and the Course of German HistoryKulturkampf in Turkey: The Constitutional Referendum of 12 September 2010Between hegemony and dormant Kulturkampf in IsraelA study of the Kulturkampf as an outgrowth of the declarations of Pius IXWoran glauben? Religion zwischen Kulturkampf und Sinnsuche.Familie als Konfliktfeld im amerikanischen KulturkampfIsrael's Constitutional Order and "Kulturkampf": The Role of Ben-GurionOn Listening to the Kulturkampf, or, How America Overruled Bowers v. Hardwick, Even Though Romer v. Evans Didn'tThe Myth of the Puttkamer Purge and the Reality of the Kulturkampf: Some Reflections on the Historiography of Imperial Germany