Vacuum clipperCOMPOSTING OF DECIDUOUS TREES LEAVES AND CATTLE DUNG: EFFECT OF TURNING OPERATION IN PROCESS PERFORMANCELakoničnosť vyskazivanija v russkom jazykeARRANGEMENT FOR AND METHOD OF UNIFORMLY ILLUMINATING DIRECT PART MARKINGS TO BE IMAGED AND ELECTRO-OPTICALLY READDevice for rolling up a lock of hairMuzzle attachment for accelerating a projectleResistive-pulse studies of proteins and protein/antibody complexes using a conical nanotube sensor.Wind pressures and buckling of cylindrical steel tanks with a conical roofFive-axis NC milling of ruled surfaces: Optimal geometry of a conical toolPolarization conversion in conical diffraction by metallic and dielectric subwavelength gratings