LacuneLacuneLacuneWhat is a lacune?What is a lacune?The fallacy of the lacune hypothesis.Le Bois mort, une lacune des forêts géréesPure sensory stroke due to a pontine lacuneRisk factors for lacune subtypes in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) StudyImaging evolution of acute lacunar infarction: Leukoariosis or lacune?Étude par la méthode des thermocourants ioniques des propriétés des dipoles lacune-impureté dans le fluorure de lithium dopéDécouverte d'une importante lacune stratigraphique à la limite Domérien-Toarcien : implications paléo-océanographiques = Disc...Incidence and survival rates during a two-year period of intracerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhages, cortical infarcts, lacunes and...