- Fool lade out all the water, and wise men take the fish.
Distortion Invariant Object Recognition in the Dynamic Link ArchitectureDistortion Invariant Object Recognition in the Dynamic Link ArchitectureFace recognition: eigenface, elastic matching, and neural netsFace recognition:eigenface, elastic matching and neural netsSize and distortion invariant object recognition by hierarchical graph matchingPattern-independent 2.5-Gbit/s CPFSK transmission experiment using AMI-encoded data to overcome nonideal laser FM responseImpulsive consumption and reflexive thought: Nudging ethical consumer behaviorExperimental characterization and numerical simulation of the electrical properties of nitrogen, aluminum, and boron in 4H/6H-SiCModeling and Simulation of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor DevicesTowards an incentive salience model of intertemporal choice ☆