Das Zusammenspiel von Lagena und Utriculus bei der Lageorientierung der Knochenfische
Ultrastructure of the sacculus and lagena in a moray eel (Gymnothorax sp.)
Morphology of the monotreme organ of corti and macula lagena
Magnetic Materials in Otoliths of Bird and Fish Lagena and Their Function
Magnetoreception in an avian brain in part mediated by inner ear lagena.
Scanning electron microscopic study of the sacculus and lagena in several deep‐sea fishes
Correspondences between afferent innervation patterns and response dynamics in the bullfrog utricle and lagena.
Comparative scanning electron microscopic investigations of the sensory epithelia in the teleost sacculus and lagena.
Comparative scanning electron microscopic investigations of the sensory epithelia in the teleost saccule and lagena. J Comp Neurol 2...