- An atoll is a circular reef surrounding a lagoon.
环礁是环绕着一个泻湖的环形礁石。 - A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.
一只宽吻海豚在夏威夷威玛纳诺的泻湖里嬉戏。 - The historic city of Venice stretches across a shallow saltwater lagoon in northeast Italy.
Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Micronesia. by Robert E. Johannes
Macroalgae, nutrient cycles, and pollutants in the Lagoon of Venice
The Influence of the Creation of a Lagoon on Waterbird Diversity in Urdaibai, Spain
Screen a dehalogenase gene using isolated bacterium from lagoon soil from North of Iran
Eutrophication and coral reefs—some examples in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon
Struvite precipitation in anaerobic swine lagoon liquid: effect of pH and Mg : P ratio and determination of rate constant
Microcystin contamination in fish from the Jacarepaguá Lagoon (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): ecological implication and human health risk.
The trapping and binding of subtidal carbonate sediments by marine vegetation in Binimi Lagoon, Bahamas
Investigation of heavy metal levels in economically important fish species captured from the Tuzla lagoon
Distribution and habitat preferences of two grapsid crab species in Mar Chiquita Lagoon (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)