用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- brand lambs在羔羊身上打烙印
- fatten lambs养肥羔羊
- roast a lamb烤羔羊肉
- slaughter a lamb宰羔羊
形容词+~- lost lamb迷途羔羊
- sacrificial lamb牺牲品
介词+~- like a lamb乖乖地
- a leg of lamb羔羊腿肉
lamb of god上帝的羔羊;基督
lamb wave蓝姆波
lamb meat羔羊肉
leg of lamb n. 羊腿
lamb chop羊排;羊扒
ewe lamb 最宠爱的人;惟一的宝贝孩子;最珍爱的东西(源自《圣经》) , ◎雌性羔羊,幼母羊 , ◎独生子(女),惟一的孩子,宝贝 , ◎(自认为)最宝贵(或钟爱)的东西,珍宝,稀世之珍[源自《圣经》]
rack of lamb n. 小羊肋骨肉
- The lamb had to be brought up by hand.
这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养。 - The dying lamb fell, its legs flailing (about) helplessly.
小羊快要死了,倒在地上四条腿又踢又蹬。 - Veal is young beef and lamb is a baby sheep.
小牛肉是小牛犊身上的肉,小羊肉是羔羊身上的肉。 - The little lamb was caught by the wolf.
小羔羊被狼抓住了。 - The lamb had to be brought up by hand.
- The sheep are lambing this week.
这个星期绵羊要产羔。 - She's due to lamb in two weeks' time.
The interaction of Lamb waves with defects
Guided Lamb waves for identification of damage in composite structures: A review
Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm. In R. B. Lamb (ed.)
Fatty acid content and composition of english beef, lamb and pork at retail
Respiratory movements and rapid eye movement sleep in the foetal lamb
Treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn lamb by inhaled nitric oxide
Fatty acid content and composition of UK beef and lamb muscle in relation to production system and implications for human nutrition.
Correction of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in utero IV. An early gestational fetal lamb model for pulmonary vascular morphometric...
Evidence for a novel parathyroid hormone-related protein in fetal lamb parathyroid glands and sheep placenta: comparisons with a sim...
The experimental transmission of human intestinal protozoan parasites. IV. Attempts to transmit Endamoeba coli and Giardia lamblia c...