oxygen lance氧气喷枪
free lance自由作家,自由撰搞人;自由骑士
spray lance喷雾杆;喷液枪;喷杆
- The doctor lanced the boil to let the pus out.
Integrated lancing and measurement device and analyte measuring methods
Multiple segment encapsulated medical lancing device
Heel lancing in term new-born infants: an evaluation of pain by frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability
Venipuncture Is More Effective and Less Painful Than Heel Lancing for Blood Tests in Neonates
Sucrose reduces pain reaction to heel lancing in preterm infants: a placebo-controlled, randomized and masked study.
Integrated lancing and measurement device and analyte measuring methods
Effect of Repeated Doses of Sucrose during Heel Stick Procedure in Preterm Neonates
Additive effects of glycaemia and blood pressure exposure on risk of complications in type 2 diabetes: a prospective observational s...
Rheological methods in food process engineering
Retinoic acid receptors and cellular retinoid binding proteins: complex interplay in retinoid signaling.