- It is the national well-known original Mashi Landholder Group Manor as well as the biggest national cave manor.
A Landholder-Based Approach to the Design of Private-Land Conservation Programs
Understanding landholder management of river frontages: The Goulburn Broken
A Landholder‐Based Approach to the Design of Private‐Land Conservation Programs
Landholder Typologies Used in the Development of Natural Resource Management Programs in Australia – A Review
Exploring Landholder Willingness and Capacity to Manage Dryland Salinity in the Goulburn Broken Catchment
A review of landholder motivations and determinants for participation in conservation covenanting programmes
Landholder Profiling and Typologies for Natural Resource–Management Policy and Program Support: Potential and Constraints
Policy narratives, landholder engagement, and oil palm expansion on the Malaysian and Indonesian frontiers
Viable Reserve Networks Arise From Individual Landholder Responses To Conservation Incentives
A Case Study of Landholder Attitudes and Behaviour Toward the Conservation of Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered Vegetation Type ...