Role of Propranolol in the therapeutic strategy of infantile laryngotracheal hemangiomaHuman papillomavirus-11 DNA in a patient with chronic laryngotracheobronchial papillomatosis and metastatic squamous-cell carcinoma ...Laryngotracheal injury due to endotracheal intubation: incidence, evolution, and predisposing factors. A prospective long-term study.Proton pump inhibitor therapy for chronic laryngo-pharyngitis: a randomized placebo-control trial.LaryngotracheoplastyThe non-essential UL50 gene of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus encodes a functional dUTPase which is not a virulence factor.The surgical management of laryngotracheal invasion by well-differentiated papillary thyroid carcinomaEpiglottoplasty for the treatment of laryngomalacia.Laryngotracheal reconstruction in children. Five-year follow-upPostoperative management of children after single-stage laryngotracheal reconstruction