kæsæp ‘ober lassoḥer (Genesis 23,16) : Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaftkæsæp ‘ober lassoḥer (Genesis 23,16)[Antibrucelline in the treatment of febrile brucellosis. I][Study of the bacteriostatic and bactericidal power of antibrucellin: sulfonic derivative of 2 methyl-6 oxy-1,4 naphthoquinone: sal ...[Studies on the antibiotic effect of streptomycin, aureomycin, terramycin and chloramphenicol on 30 strains of Salmonella]Sheriff Callie's Wild WestMalnutrition Prevalence and Health Practices of Homeless Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in BangladeshNEW DERIVATIVES OF LIPOIC ACID, METHOD FOR THEIR PREPARING (VARIANTS), PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONBlender bulk feed valveAPPARATUS FOR PNEUMATICALLY CONVEYING PARTICULATE MATERIAL