- Lat let there be no ill will.
LAT Palmitoylation
Essential role of LAT in T cell development.
LAT Is Required for TCR-Mediated Activation of PLCγ1 and the Ras Pathway
LAT: the ZAP-70 tyrosine kinase substrate that links T cell receptor to cellular activation.
LAT palmitoylation: its essential role in membrane microdomain targeting and tyrosine phosphorylation during T cell activation
Aberrant RNA processing in a neurodegenerative disease: the cause for absent EAAT2, a glutamate transporter, in amyotrophic lateral ...
AtNAC2, a transcription factor downstream of ethylene and auxin signaling pathways, is involved in salt stress response and lateral ...
What is the cause of the ageing atrophy? Total number, size and proportion of different fiber types studied in whole vastus laterali...
Salvemini D, Wang ZQ, Wyatt PS, Bourdon DM, Marino MH, Manning PT, Currie MG: Nitric oxide: A key mediator in the early and late pha...
Wilens TE, Faraone SV, Biederman J, Gunawardene S. Does stimulant therapy of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder beget later su...