Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Ceratoides latensDegradation of parabens by Pseudomonas beteli and Burkholderia latens.On the structure of the egg shell in the mite Petrobia latens Müller (Acarina: Tetranychidae)ANOMALOUS SECONDARY STRUCTURE AND GROWTH IN THE STEM OF XEROPHYTE, GERATOIDES LATENSNatural transmission of Plasmodium knowlesi to humans by Anopheles latens in Sarawak, MalaysiaThe Distribution, Ecological and Economic Values of Ceratoides latens in Grassland of Xinjiang RegionBurkholderia latens sp nov., Burkholderia diffusa sp nov., Burkholderia arboris sp nov., Burkholderia seminalis sp nov and Burkholde...Bionomics of Anopheles latens in Kapit, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo in relation to the transmission of zoonotic simian malaria parasit...UTILIZATION OF SHELL RESOURCES BY THE HERMIT CRABS CALCINUS LATENS AND CALCINUS GAIMARDII AT KENTING, SOUTHERN TAIWANThe larvae of Laccornis Des Gozis 1914 (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Dytiscidae) with description of L. latens (Fall 1937) and redescriptio...