Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on disease complex of root-knot nematode and Rhizoctonia solani on eggplant roots under lathhouse condit...EFFECT OF GROWTH RETARDANT CULTAR EFFECTS AGAINST OF BROAD BEAN ROOT ROT FUNGAL UNDER LATHHOUSE CONDITIONCONTROL OF BROWN GARDEN SNAIL ON CHRYSANTHEMUM UNDER LATHHOUSE CONDITIONS, SUMMER 1998Dikegulac-Sodium Sprays Stimulate Shoot Emergence in Asparagus Under Lathhouse ConditionsMetalaxyl causes phytotoxicity on lathhouse grown columbine, 1985Color rhythm in the lathhouseLath houseJC Raulston Arboretum Lath House / Frank Harmon ArchitectLath house constructionGrowth, Yield and Quality of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Cultivars under Lath House Conditions