cnc lathe计算机数控车床
nc lathe数控车床
vertical lathe [机]立式车床(等于ertical boring mill)
lathe tool[机]车刀
horizontal lathe卧式车床
lathe bed车床床身
precision lathe精密车床
engine lathe普通车床
lathe work车工工作;(钞票纸或证券纸的)彩纹;车削加工
turret lathe六角车床,转塔车床;多角车床
boring lathe镗床;镗车两用机床
lathe chuck车床卡盘,车床夹盘
Wear progressions and tool life enhancement with AlCrN coated inserts in high-speed dry and wet steel lathing
The cornea press: restoring donor corneas to normal dimensions and hydration before cryolathing.
Combined morphologic effects of cryolathing and lyophilization on epikeratoplasty lenticules
Dynamic analysis of a rotating beam subjected to repeating axial and transverse forces for simulating a lathing process
Effects of isometric quadriceps activation on the Q-angle in women before and after quadriceps exercise
Corneal lathing using the excimer laser and a computer-controlled positioning system: Part II--Variable trephination of corneal butt...
Corneal lathing using the excimer laser and a computer-controlled positioning system: Part I--Lathing of epikeratoplasty lenticules.
Epikeratophakia: the surgical correction of aphakia. I. Lathing of corneal tissue.
Corneal lathing using the excimer laser and a computer-controlled positioning system.