Towards Pan-LatinismTowards Pan-LatinismHispanism and latinism in the Ibero-American intellectual debateZpracování latinismů v německo-českém překladovém slovníkuand in the fifteenth century: semantic latinism or etymological trap?Votre América: Blackness and Pan-Latinism in Les démocraties latines de l'AmériqueThe elaboration of pan-Latinism in French intellectual circles, from the turn of the nineteenth century to World War IHellenism versus Latinism in the Ottoman East: some reflections on the decline of the French influence in the Greek Literacy Society...Concept of Croatian Latinism in the Edition "Five Centuries of Croatian Literature", with a Special Insight on the Contribution by V...Krešimir Čvrljak, Gold and Silver of Croatian Renaissance Humanism and Latinism, Vlastita naklada, Zagreb, 2010.