LauriteLauriteStabilities of laurite RuS 2 and monosulfide liquid solution at magmatic temperatureStabilities of laurite RuS2 and monosulphide solid solution at magmatic temperature. Chem GeolZoning of laurite (RuS2)–erlichmanite (OsS2): implications for the origin of PGM in ophiolite chromititesLaurite and ruarsite from podiform chromitites at Kraubath and Hochgrössen, Austria: new insights from osmium isotopesCompositional variation of laurite at Union Section in the Western Bushveld Complex. S Afr J GeolPhase equilibrium constraints on the magmatic origin of laurite+Ru-Os-Ir alloyHigh-temperature stability of laurite and Ru-Os-Ir alloy and their role in PGE fractionation in mafic magmasParagenesis and composition of laurite from chromitites of Othrys (Greece): implications for Os-Ru fractionation in ophiolitic upper...