- We have laid in a supply of canned meat.
我们已经贮存了一批罐头肉。 - It's difficult to harvest fish in the ocean.
远洋捕鱼最困难的是贮存已收获的鱼。 - Her son is studying in a preparatory school.
她儿子正在一所大学预备学校学习。 - Please put your litter in the bin provided.
请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。 - I keep my money in a savings bank.
我的钱存在一家储蓄银行里。 - In an emergence we can fall back on our savings.
Lay-in lug nut plate retainer
Plasma growth hormone and insulinâlike growth factorâI (IGFâI) concentrations at the onset of lay in ad libitum and r...
Carcass traits and reproductive development at the onset of lay in two lines of female turkeys
Comb size and estrogen levels toward the onset of lay in broiler and layer strain females under ad libitum and restricted feeding
Comparison of the effects of the degree of food restriction during rearing on ovarian function at the onset of lay in unselected duc...
Time of lay in hens exposed to intermittent lighting
Effect of photoperiod and quantitative feed restriction in a broiler strain on onset of lay in females and onset of semen production...
Spatial Heterogeneity of Topsoil Moisture and Litter Lay in Natural Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests
An AlGaAs/In x Ga 1-x As/AlGaAs (0⩽ x ⩽0.5) pseudomorphic HEMT on GaAs substrate using an In x/2 Ga 1-x/2 As buffer layer
Inbreeding effects on traits with and without selection for part record rate of lay in chickens.