lazuriteLAZURITELazuriteNew data on lazuriteModulated structure of orthorhombic lazuriteETUDE SPECTROMETRIQUE DE LA LAZURITE DU PAMIR, TAJIKISTANAverage structure of cubic lazurite with a three-dimensional incommensurate modulationThe structure of lazurite, ideally Na 6 Ca 2 (Al 6 Si 6 O 24 )S 2 , a member of the sodalite groupSulphur speciation in lazurite-type minerals (Na,Ca)8[Al6Si6O24](SO4,S)2 and their annealing products: a comparative XPS and XAS studyCharacterization of azurite and lazurite based pigments by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy ☆Chemical state of sulfur in natural and synthetic lazurite by S K-edge XANES and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyIncommensurately modulated structure of isotropic lazurite as a product of twinning of two-dimensionally modulated domainsThe Age and Time Span of the Origin of Phlogopite and Lazurite Deposits in the Southwestern Baikal Area: U–Pb Geochronology