- Several soldiers are on leave in our village.
几位军人正在我们村子里休假。 - Then, give me a couple of dates.
Leave of absence
Leave of absence.
Leave of Absence
Parental Leave of Absence: Some Not So Family-Friendly Implications 1
The effects of gender and leave of absence on attributions for high performance, perceived organizational commitment, and allocation...
Medical versus surgical abortion efficacy, complications and leave of absence compared in a partly randomized study.
Twin pregnancy and the effects of prophylactic leave of absence on pregnancy duration and birth weight.
Changes to leave of absence in Scotland: the views of patients
Retrospective evaluation of extended leave of absence in Scotland 1988–94
Consultants' views of Leave of Absence and Community Care Orders in Scotland
The end of indefinitely renewable leave of absence in Scotland: the impact of the Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Act 1995
Significant correlation of psychiatric disorders with leave of absence among teachers in Japan
Guide to the Mental Health Act part 4 - supervised community treatment and leave of absence: the essentials for clinical practice.