"Leges regiae: pro et contra"Catos leges venditioni et locationi dictaeOrigins of legal medicine. Leges barbarorum."Leges Scocie"and the lawcodes of David I, William the Lion and Alexander IILeges et Ivra P. R. Restitvit: A New Aureus of Octavian and the Settlement of 28-27 BCA THEORETICAL RESEARCH ON THE P. E. CURRICULA OF COL LEGESThe anti-terrorist legislation in the US: Inter Arma Silent Leges?Rhythmical clausulae in the Codex Theodosianus and the Leges Novellae Ad Theodosianum PertinentesEC Countervailing Duty Practice After the Uruguay Round Revisited: "Leges bonae ex malis moribus procreantur"Investigationes Aliquot, ex Quibus Probetur Terrae Figu am Secundum Leges Attractionis in Ratione Inversâ Quadrati Distantiarum Max...