A LEMUROID PRIMATE FROM THE EOCENE OF LANTIAN,SHENSIHadropithecus: A Lemuroid Small-Object FeederNote on the palaeontology of the lemuroid brainPreliminary notice of a new genus of lemuroid from the SiwaliksA composite molecular phylogeny of living lemuroid primatesThe regio occipitalis of the lorisiform lemuroid Galago demidoviiThe phylogenetic position of Mahgarita stevensi : protoanthropoid or lemuroid?PASSIVE TRANSFER OF HUMAN ALLERGIES TO PROSIMIANS: SKIN-REACTIONS IN THE LEMUROID, NYCTICEBUS COUCANG (SLOW LORIS).On Megaladapis madagascariensis, an Extinct Gigantic Lemuroid from Madagascar; with Remarks on the Associated Fauna, and on Its Geol...Cytochrome Oxidase 'Blobs' and Other Characteristics of Primary Visual Cortex in a Lemuroid Primate, Cheirogaleus medius