用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- accumulate a library积累藏书
- build up a library修建一座图书馆
- collect a library收藏书籍
- computerize a library使图书馆电子计算机化
- erect a library建造图书馆
- establish a library建立图书馆
- frequent a library常去图书馆
- go to a library去图书馆
- open a library开图书馆
- own a library拥有藏书
形容词+~- audio-visual library视听资料图书馆
- circulating library收费的流动图书馆
- extensive library藏书广泛的图书馆
- good library藏书多的图书馆
- immense library大图书馆
- lending library(收费的)租书图书馆
- medical library医学图书馆
- mobile library流动图书馆
- municipal library市立图书馆
- private library私人图书馆
- public library公共图书馆
- rental library(收费的)租书图书馆,(商店等内)附设的租书部
- rich library藏书多的图书馆
- travelling library流动图书馆
- valuable library有价值的图书馆
- well-stocked library藏书丰富的图书馆
名词+~- college library大学图书馆
- home library家庭图书馆
- law library法律图书馆
- music library音乐图书馆
- program library程序库
- reference library参考图书馆(只供查阅,不供外借)
- research library(提供专业文献的)研究图书馆,学术图书馆
- school library中小学图书馆
- university library大学图书馆
~+名词- library card借书证
- library hours图书馆开放时间
- library rules图书馆的规定
- library school图书馆学校
- library science图书馆学
介词+~- at the library在图书馆
- in a library在图书馆
- in sb's library在某人的藏书中
- outside library在图书馆外面
~+介词- library for children儿童图书馆
- library of books dealing with收藏有关…方面的书籍的图书馆
- library of ten thousand volumes一万册藏书
digital library数字图书馆
in the library在图书馆
public library公共图书馆;公立图书馆
library science图书馆学;图书馆科学硕士
library service图书馆服务;程序库服务
college library大学图书馆
school library学校图书馆
national library国家图书馆
dynamic link library动态链接库
library of congress n. 美国国会图书馆
library card n. 借书证;图书证
electronic library[计]电子图书馆
library file库文件;链接库档案
mobile library流动图书馆;图书馆车;宣传车
image library图像库;图片库
research library n. 专供学者与专家做深入研究的图书馆
gene library基因库;基因文库
reference library参考书阅览室
special library专门图书馆
graphics library图形库
- The town has its own public library and public gardens.
那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。 - In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.
在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔间里。 - Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.
汉特教授约有五千册藏书。 - I found him working in his library when I called.
LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines
LIBLINEAR: A Library for Large Linear Classification
Information Service of University Library
Structural design on the library of Jiangsu Jianzhu Institute
Peptides on phage: a vast library of peptides for identifying ligands.
A chemical library to screen protein and protein-ligand crystallization using a versatile microfluidic platform
Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library, ISBN 978-0-596-51613-0
A Study on Analyzing the Translation of Curriculum in Library & Information Science of Korea
KONSTRUKSI PROGRAM STORYTELLING (Studi Kasus pada Komunitas Dongeng Bengkimut di Pustakalana Children's Library)
Information on the common agricultural policy: Ackrill, R., 98 pp., 1994. European Information Association, Central Library Manchest...