- She trod lightly so as not to wake the baby.
她步子很轻,以免惊醒孩子。 - He pressed lightly on the handle.
他轻轻按下手柄。 - The girl tripped lightly down the path.
女孩步伐轻快地在小道上行走。 - The child tripped lightly like a bird.
那个孩子像鸟儿一样轻快地奔跑着。 - They spoke lightly of his success.
他们轻蔑地讨论他的成功。 - He never made a decision lightly.
他从不轻率地作决定。 - He's a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly.
Lightly-insitu-doped amorphous silicon applied in DRAM gates
"Eating lightly"and the self-presentation of femininity.
Physiology of lightly processed fruits and vegetables
Data Networks Are Lightly Utilized, and Will Stay That Way
Thinking lightly about others: Automatic components of the social inference process.
Talking Lightly Methods of the Checking and Removing the Fault of Digital Circuit Training
A 'checkerboard' electronic crystal state in lightly hole-doped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2.
Contrary Effects of Lightly and Strongly Oxidized LDL With Potent Promotion of Growth Versus Apoptosis on Arterial Smooth Muscle Cel...
Resolution of lutein and zeaxanthin using a non-endcapped, lightly carbon-loaded C 18 high-performance liquid chromatographic column
Doppler ultrasound can be used to monitor umbilical arterial blood flow in lightly sedated pigs at multiple gestational ages