- Because of the death of his mother he is listless all day.
因为母亲的去世,他整天无精打采的。 - She was very listless after her illness.
她病后懒洋洋的。 - People are always listless on summer afternoons.
夏天的午后,人们总是无精打采的。 - Many people feel listless on rainy days.
Listless zerotree coding for color images
Listless zerotree coding for color images
Restless nights, listless days.
Reduced memory listless speck image compression
Listlessness is better than laziness II: composing listless functions
Listlessness is better than laziness II: Composing listless functions
A listless minimum zerotree coding algorithm for wavelet image compression
Modified listless 3DSPITH with ROI for hyperspectral image compression
Listless block-tree set partitioning algorithm for very low bit rate embedded image compression
Reduced memory, low complexity embedded image compression algorithm using hierarchical listless discrete Tchebichef transform