
  • n.


  • 学习怎么用


    Swift's Use of Literalization as a Rhetorical Device
    Ideology, imagery and the literalization of metaphor in ,
    The hunt of love: The literalization of a methaphor in Fuenteovejuna
    Reconsidertion on"Illiteralization"in the Teaching of Practical Writing
    Conflict and Revelation: Literalization in the Novels of Charlotte Brontë
    Of metaphors and literalization: reconceptualizing scaffolding in language teaching
    Historiography as Reenactment: Metaphors and Literalizations of TV Documentaries
    The Organ of the Soul: Vitalist Metaphysics and the Literalization of the Organ
    Knowledge of Idiomaticity: Evidence from Idiom Calquing and Folk Literalization.
    Hagiography and the literalization process. In search of significant changes in the transmission of texts in manuscripts from the So...