- She lived a lie for 20 years by pretending to be his wife.
她假扮他的妻子已经20年了。 - I really dislike my job but I have to pretend to enjoy it; what I hate even more is having to live a lie.
Patient-provider communication about the emotional cues and concerns of adolescent and young adult patients and their family members...
Tailoring the delivery of cancer diagnosis to adolescent and young adult patients displaying strong emotions: An observational study...
A content analysis of emotional concerns expressed at the time of receiving a cancer diagnosis: An observational study of consultati...
What is Neoliberalism ?
Resolution of hypophosphatemia is associated with recovery of hepatic function in children with fulminant hepatic failure
Distributed multimedia plays with QoS guarantees over IP
Distributed Multimedia Plays with QoS guaranties over IP
Multi-way valve
N01.824.547 [Categoria DeCS]
To Wager Everything