Lorica Construction in Eufolliculina sp. (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida)Erratum: Variations of the lorica in the genus Parafavella (Protozoa: ...Seasonal Changes in Lorica Sizes and the Species of Tintinnida in the New York BightAssuming a 50% cell occupancy of the lorica overestimates tintinnine ciliate biomassRelationships between lorica volume, carbon, nitrogen, and ATP content of tintinnids In Narragansett BayChitinous fibrils in the lorica of the flagellate chrysophyte Poteriochromonas stipitata (syn. Ochromonas malhamensis).Studies on the Sizes, Shapes, and the Development of the Lorica of Agglutinated TintinnidaThe formation of the fibrils in the lorica of Poteriochromonas stipitata: Tip growth, kinetics, site, orientation.Morphology and ecology in tintinnid ciliates of the marine plankton: correlates of lorica dimensionsMORPHOLOGICAL SEPARATION OF THE EUGLENOID GENERA TRACHELOMONAS AND STROMBOMONAS (EUGLENOPHYTA) BASED ON LORICA DEVELOPMENT AND POSTE...