Jakamistalouden edellytykset sekä taloudelliset vaikutuksetMetsanomistajan tiedontaso ja hanen asenteensa metsatalouden edistamiseenMaatalouden edistämistyötä Itä|Hämeessä, 1797- 1947Surveillance and Diagnosis for Air-compressor SetDiet-induced obesity model: abnormal oocytes and persistent growth abnormalities in the offspring.Preimplantation Exposure of Mouse Embryos to Palmitic Acid Results in Fetal Growth Restriction Followed by Catch-Up Growth in the Of...TallyHO obese female mice experience poor reproductive outcomes and abnormal blastocyst metabolism which is reversed by metforminYksityismetsätalouden edistäminen.SOLID-STATE SOUND EFFECT GENERATING SYSTEMPrinted circuit board for a solid-state sound effect generating system