- Love and care for someone mean compromise and that's where lowliness comes from.
因为爱上一个人,在乎一个人,就有妥协,妥协自然就有卑微的感觉。 - In mutual affections, the lowliness is mutual too, means the efforts and sacrifices the couple made for their love.
Try a Little Lowliness
God Comes to You in Your Lowliness
卑贱与我无缘:Lowliness has nothing to do with me
""lowliness majestic"": Paradise Lost における「謙虚」の意味
Lowliness : a sociological, economic and theological conception of the New Testament /
On the Dignity of Influential Officials and the Lowliness of Common People
Scale, Culture, and Real Estate: The Reproduction of Lowliness in Great Jones Street
Incarnational Ministry and Christology: A Reappropriation of the Way of Lowliness
A’ Socio-reading’ of the Kierkegaardian Self: Or, The Space of Lowliness in the Time of the Disciple
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