- Luminosity glows through pale velum walls.
耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙。 - I must have felt pretty weird by that time, because I could think of nothing except the luminosity of his pink suit under the moon.
我当时一定已经神志恍惚了,因为我脑子里什么都想不到,除了他那套粉红色衣服在月光下闪闪发光。 - Its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun.
发光度是对比我们太阳的发光度测得的。 - Astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass.
天文学家心照不宣地默认,光度和颜色都相同的恒星具有相同的质量。 - The candle is the basic unit of luminosity.
An analytic expression for the luminosity function for galaxies.
Space Distribution and Luminosity Functions of Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity dependence of galaxy clustering
The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: near‐infrared galaxy luminosity functions
The Relation between Black Hole Mass, Bulge Mass, and Near-Infrared Luminosity
The Optical and Near-Infrared Properties of Galaxies: I. Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions
The optical and near-infrared properties of galaxies. I. Luminosity and stellar mass functions
Reverberation Measurements of Quasars and the Size-Mass-Luminosity Relations in Active Galactic Nuclei
Reverberation Measurements for 17 Quasars and the Size-Mass-Luminosity Relations in Active Galactic Nuclei
Lyman-Break Galaxies at z ≳ 4 and the Evolution of the Ultraviolet Luminosity Density at High Redshift*