- He lunged wildly at his opponent.
他疯狂地扑向对手。 - She lunged out with a knife.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis,
Molecular Characterization of Brazilian Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses
Development and Application of Reverse Transcriptase Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction Test for the Detection of Exogenous Avian Leuk...
Magnetic binary oxide particles (MBOP): a promising adsorbent for removal of As (III) in water
Detection of Babesia equi (Laveran, 1901) by nested polymerase chain reaction.
Factors affecting the performance of 5' nuclease PCR assays for Listeria monocytogenes detection
Hepatitis C virus genotypes in Southern Brazil.
Role of plasma DNA as a predictive marker of fatal outcome following severe head injury in males.
Defluoridation of water using calcium aluminate material
Valve preserving treatment of Ebstein's anomaly: perioperative and follow-up results