The essential Julbord from Radio Sweden including recipes
Inversion of product term line before or logic in a programmable logic device (PLD)
Bipolar Bozukluk-Multiple Skleroz Birlikteliği: Bir Olgu Sunumu
Libye : L'histoire se répète, comme les erreurs commises en Irak
A juventude revolucionária egípcia está sendo marginalizada
Programmable logic device architecture based on arrays of LUT-based Boolean terms
The requirement for accurate diet-tissue discrimination factors for interpreting stable isotopes in sharks
Effects of lipid extraction and the utility of lipid normalization models on δ 13 C and δ 15 N values in Arctic marine mammal tiss...
Fin-icky samples: an assessment of shark fin as a source material for stable isotope analysis
Geographic and temporal variation in the trophic ecology of a small-bo...