- Don't explain it to him; it's only playing the lute to a cow.
鲁挺陆挺陆婷卢挺卢婷卢婷 Expression of interleukin-4 in the epidermis of transgenic mice results in a pruritic inflammatory skin disease: an experimental ani...
Single-Cell Exome Sequencing and Monoclonal Evolution of a JAK2 -Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasm
Cloning of the cDNA encoding canine skin basement membrane bullous pemphigoid antigen 2 reveals molecular and immunologic identities...
The Effect of Surface Treatment on the Shear Bond Strength of Luting Cement to a Glass-
Deconvoluting the context-dependent role for autophagy in cancer
Bonding of an auto-adhesive luting material to enamel and dentin.
Effect of surface conditioning methods on the bond strength of luting cement to ceramics
Dental luting agents: A review of the current literature ☆ ☆☆ ★ ★★ ♢
Effect of surface conditioning methods on the bond strength of luting cements to zirconia