Elimination of clonogenic T-leukemic cells from human bone marrow using anti-Mr 65,000 protein immunotoxins.
Три названия Парижа
Pb and S isotopic composition of indicator minerals in glacial sediments from NW Alberta, Canada: Implications for Zn-Pb base metal ...
Anguillulose maligne généralisée : Complication souvent oubliée de la Corticothérapie
Lutjohann D, Björkhem I, Ose L. Phytosterolaemia in a Norwegian family: diagnosis and charcterization of the first Scandinavian cas...
A phylogenetic analysis of Epilobium (Onagraceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences.
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Role of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in the effects of insulin and anti-insulin serum on liver metabolism.
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