Prey and predators of the Wolf spider Lycosa lugubris
An analysis of display in the lycosid spider Lycosa rabida walckenaer
Acoustic communication in a lycosid spider ( Lycosa rabida walckenaer)
Responses to Starvation in the Spiders Lycosa Lenta Hentz and Filistata Hibernalis (Hentz)
Lycotoxins, antimicrobial peptides from venom of the wolf spider Lycosa carolinensis.
Transcriptome analysis of the venom glands of the Chinese wolf spider Lycosa singoriensis.
Aspects of the ecological energetics of the wolf spider Pardosa (Lycosa) lugubris (Walckenaer)
The Life-Cycle, Abundance and Seasonal Movement of the Wolf Spider, Lycosa (Pardosa) lugubris, in Central Scotland
Karyological studies on Uruguayan spiders II. Sex chromosomes in spiders of the genus Lycosa (Araneae-Lycosidae)
Yan, L. & Adams, M. E. Lycotoxins, antimicrobial peptides from venom of the wolf spider Lycosa carolinensis. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 205...