olympique lyon里昂队(法国足球俱乐部)
Lyon Diet Heart Study
Hospices civils de Lyon
Lyon Diet Heart Study Benefits of a Mediterranean-Style, National Cholesterol Education Program/American Heart Association Step I Di...
Cavenee WK (eds): WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System in Lyon
HERVÉ JOLY, Les Gillet de Lyon. Fortunes d’une grande dynastie industrielle, 1838-2015, Genève, Droz, 2015, 510 p., ISBN 978-2-60...
GLOBOCAN 2008, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 10. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on ...
The New Economy in the City: Emergence and Location Factors of Internet-based Companies in the Metropolitan Area of Lyon, France
"In duobus locis colombi debent apparere. Célébrer la liturgie de la Pentecôte dans la collégiale Saint-Paul de Lyon en 1400"
Role of a 10-Gy boost in the conservative treatment of early breast cancer: results of a randomized clinical trial in Lyon, France.
GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 11 [Internet]. Lyon, France: International Agency ...