Influence of calcium ions on the structure and stability of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I in the aqueous and lyophilized sta...
Bioequivalence between novel ready-to-use liquid formulations of the recombinant human GH Omnitrope and the original lyophilized for...
Testing the accuracy of total cholesterol assays in an external quality-control program. Effect of adding sucrose to lyophilized con...
Oral vaccination against classical swine fever with a chimeric Pestivirus : comparative investigations of liquid and lyophilized virus
Fibrinogen binding to rehydrated lyophilize platelet surface GpIIb-IIIa: Normal clot formation and tPA lysts.
Primary Research on Lyophilize Process of Trehalose Loaded Red Blood Cells
Quantification of Cells with Specific Phenotypes I: Determination of CD4+ Cell Count Per Microliter in Reconstituted Lyophilized Hum...
An Experimental Study of Lyophilize-irradiated Umbilical Artery Allograft Mechanical Behavior
Lyophilize Irradiated Human Umbilical Artery (LIHUA) for Microvascular Grafting Prothesis An Experimemtal Study
New covalently linked protein complex, useful particularly as stabilized form of DNA polymerase, produced by heating lyophilized pro...