- Even a successful electrocution is macabre.
就算是一次成功的电刑,它也是很恐怖的。 - If that doesn’t give you a macabre thrill, nothing will.
A poor prognosis subtype of HNSCC is consistently observed across methylome, transcriptome, and miRNome analysis.
The NEDD8 conjugation pathway regulates p53 transcriptional activity and head and neck cancer cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation
241 - Caveolin-1-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma primary tumors display increased epithelial to mesenchymal transitio...
Caveolin-1-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma primary tumors display increased epithelial to mesenchymal transition and ...
Analyse du rôle du gène codant l’ Amyloid-Precursor Protein Binding Protein 1 (APP-BP1) dans la radiosensibilité des carcinomes...
Water-resistant polyvinyl alcohol film and its application to the preparation of gas-impermeable composite articles
Modeling and test of contactless inductive energy transmission
Swissmetro and Transrapid - Comparison of the Electromechanical Components and the Power Supply in a Specified Vacuum Tunnel Environ...
D504 SWISSMETRO-Project Development Status
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