High order conservative finite difference scheme for variable density low Mach number turbulent flowsOn the proper Mach number and ratio of specific heats for modeling the Venus bow shockKelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetospheric boundary: Dependence on the magnetosheath sonic Mach numberSemi-implicit extension of a godunov-type scheme based on low mach number asymptotics I: One-dimensional flowSurvey of viscous interactions associated with high Mach number flightOn vortex sound at low Mach numberOn the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit. IV: P0 approximation on triangular and tetrahedral cellsDirect numerical simulation of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers. Part 3. Effect of Mach numberUnusual locations of Earth`s bow shock on September 24-25, 1987: Mach number effectsNoise generation by a low-Mach-number jet