Theresultsofthisexperimentwillprovideacademicreferencesfortheartificialpropagationandlarvabreeding of Hemibarbus maculates.
Systemic viral disease of the chromide cichlid Etroplus maculatesEvaluation of nutritive quality and nutritional components in Hemibarbus maculates Bleeker muscleReproduction of the inshore coral trout Plectropomus maculates (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Central Great Barrier Reef, Austra...Imcroporin, a new cationic antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the scorpion Isometrus maculatesA comparative analysis of muscle chemical composition of wild and pond-farmed Hemibarbus maculates (Bleeker)THE GEOGRAPHICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN OTOLITH MORPHOLOGY OF SEA BASS: LATEOLABRAX JAPONICUS AND L. MACULATESTHE DRESSING RATE AND NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF MUSCLE IN SPOTTED STEED (HEMIBARBUS MACULATES) AND SKIN CARP(HEMIBARBU LABEO)The role of male age, sperm age and mating history on fertilisation success in the hide beetle Dermestes maculatesFirst report of Kudoa species (Myxozoa: Kudoidae) infecting the spotted coral grouper Plectropomus maculates from the Red Sea. A l...Ketoh GK, Glitoh AI, Huignard J. Susceptibility of the bruchid Callosobruchus maculates (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its parasitoid D...