- The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.
MaenadMaenadMaenadMaenadism in the BacchaeMaenadism in the OresteiaDie Maenaden von MiletGreek Maenadism ReconsideredGreek Maenadism from Olympia to MessalinaGreek Maenadism from Olympias to MessalinaEgo Maenas: Maenadism, Marriage, and the Construction of Female Identity in Catullus 63 and 64Étude ultrastructurale de Thelohania maenadis Pérez (Microspora, Microsporida) et données nouvelles sur le genre Thelohania Henne...A scanning electron microscope study of a microsporidian with a pansporoblast: Thelohania maenadisPhysiological and metabolic variations in Carcinus mediterraneus (Crustacea: Decapoda) parasitized by Thelohania maenadis (Microspor...