- He is a magnanimous person.
他是个宽宏大量的人。 - He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory.
他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。 - He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill.
Alfonso the Magnanimous
Alfonso The Magnanimous
Magnanimous Data Accessing Technology in Web Application
Magnanimous albion: Free trade and British national income, 1841–1881 ☆
When is it Rational to be Magnanimous in Victory?
Alfonso the Magnanimous: King of Aragon, Naples, and Sicily, 1396-1458
The Study and Practice of Magnanimous Spatial Data Organization
The Kingdom of Naples under Alfonso the Magnanimous: The Making of a Modern State by Alan Ryder
Spreading the message through community mobilization, education and leadership: a magnanimouse task
An Efficient Spatial Visual Retrieval Algorithm on Magnanimous Remote Sensing Raster Image Data Base一种高效的海量遥感栅格数据库的空...